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Strong Men Stay Young

This system was created to do two things for you. The first of these is to TEACH you about the issues your body may be facing right now, or in the future (if you have been lucky enough to read this page before the BIG CHANGES begin taking place). By knowing the dangers that lie ahead you'll be better MOTIVATED to take action.

The second thing Strong Men Stay Young will do is teach you WHAT YOU NEED TO DO RIGHT NOW to ward off impending problems and correct those that are already affecting your quality of life.

This is certainly achieved by addressing deficiencies in your current nutrition and physical activity regimens. A strong mind and a powerful body are the end goal on this program, because this is necessary to help you maintain youth and vigor for the greatest possible period of time.

That is the way a LOT of men feel when it happens

For the most men a profound physical and mental change sets in around the age of 50 years. One that has been slowly building for at least a decade. Like a rising swell that is easy to ignore for the longest time, until it finally sweeps you off your feet and suddenly you are swimming for your life. That is the way a LOT of men feel when it happens.

The medical organization likes to call it "andropause" - the umbrella term for the symptoms that can loosely, but accurately, be described as feeling just like you are half the man you used to be. You'll find a lot more about what it feels like to be a man suffering from andropause in this program.

A BIG part of the problem is the male sex hormone testosterone. Or more, exactly, the lack of it in older men. Testosterone is simply like the ON switch for guys. It gets them fired up, first around the age of puberty when it kicks off a number of physical and psychological changes that transform a youngster into a man, and then for all the years that follow when he can be said to be in his physical prime.

But since the years roll on and your body slowly loses its efficiency, the hormone commences garden shed off steadily. Until such time as its reduction cannot be ignored. the hormone begins to drop off steadily. Until such time as its loss can no longer be ignored.

For many men the drop off can be steep, and to some degree unforgiving. Loss of the ability to perform intimately at full capacity is just one of the more obvious side effects of low testosterone. You know when it is happening, and so does your partner.

It can be a HUGE problem for middle-aged men

Yes, the blue pill can help with performance issues. But it will not fix all of those other problems that tend to come with this disorder. Depression. Loss of bodily strength as muscle wanes. Loss of drive to the point where sitting on the couch and staring at the TV actually seems preferable to the other activities that used to keep you busy and engaged with other people.

Try telling your boss that your productivity might not exactly be what it used to be but is completely inline with your waning testosterone levels and you'll likely find yourself being forced to redraft your resume.

No, being half the man you used to be can be a HUGE problem for middle-aged men. If any of this sounds at all familiar to you then you know just how important it is to get on top of the issue before it whittles you down to the point where you just don't care one way or the other.

Because at that point, you're toast. But if that sounds totally unacceptable to you, and hopefully for your sake it will. If you want to turn your life around and reclaim the part of it that seems to have been lost, this is how you get started with it.

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